Identify your organization’s weak spots and see how you stack up against your industry.
What is the IQRM?
The Intelligence Quotient for Risk Management is a quantifiable risk assessment tool crafted by subject matter experts. It helps measure exposures within your organization and the effectiveness of strategies to improve your risk profile.
How Do You Determine My Score?
Tasks and actions that create or implement risk management policies, practices, procedures, and programs.
Actions and conduct that affect performance—positively or negatively.
Internal Controls
Internal processes, assessments, and framework for ensuring compliance with program goals.
Internal Assessments
Risks that have the potential to cause loss, peril, or vulnerability; or that create opportunities for organizational success.
Qualitative and quantitative measurements and metrics that assure the achievement of risk management and organizational goals and objectives.
Is IQRM a Part of the PIVOT Process?
Yes! IQRM is crucial to Step 1 of the PIVOT Risk Management Process, which is where we help you identify possible exposures and weak spots in your organization’s risk management profile. These efforts are taken seriously in the insurance marketplace because they help to reduce claim frequency and severity.
PIVOT is a Five-Step Process
BKCW utilizes PIVOT to help you identify, understand, implement, and monitor risk management strategies for you and your business.
Each decision about managing risk is designed with the goal of improving your business’s bottom line.